Becoming The Best Version of You

Happy New Year Fam! 

It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, a brand new year and it’s time to play! Out with the old, in with the new, a brand new chance, and a brand new you! 2022 is off to an EPIC start already! Can you feel it!

The number 22 is a Master Number in numerology. 22 carries the vibration of soul purpose, life path and dreams realized. 22 brings the message that we are on the verge of attaining spiritual wisdom and that it's our purpose to share that with the world!

What amazing guiding energies for us all to carry in our medicine pouches, to weave into our daily routines, and to infuse into our daydreams this year ahead! 2022 is going to be THE YEAR TO BECOME THE BEST VERSION OF YOU! !

So get your pen and paper ready, plan your vision board parties, and light up enough Palo Santo for the fam- it’s about to go off y’all! 

What would it look like if we all created the space for ourselves to get centered and tune into our future vision for ourselves, our life, and our dream?

And if we committed to our visions and dreams daily with small action steps?

How would our realities shift if we aligned our intentions daily to mirror the environment and changes needed to support us in making our dreams come true!

What if we indeed are the co-creators of our realities and experiences and to achieve our heart's desires all we had to do is our half of the work by getting super clear on what we desire to create.

What would it feel like if we communicated that with the higher energies and we got to witness ourselves being met halfway and our dreams coming true! What if the best versions of ourselves and our experiences were right on the other side of detachment and letting go... 

Letting go of the things that are no longer serving our highest health, happiness, and freedom...

Releasing whatever it is standing in the way of our greatness, our success, and our dreams! Let us all remember that we indeed have the truth, the power and all we need is to summon up our willpower and strength.

We are being guided this year to become the best versions of ourselves possible. We are being supported to anchor down our visions and step into our purpose and make our dreams come true!

Thank you for another year of community and support! We are so grateful to each of you! Our community is growing fast!

We look forward to connecting with you all this year. Head over to our Instagram page, @sacredwoodessence, and share in our comments what is your vision for the year 2022? What is your dream? We would love to know! 

Our dream is to continue to weave love and magic in this world. Our vision is to uplift this human family and make an impact and real difference in this world. To be change-makers and support Mother Earth and all her children.

To leave behind a legacy of love, light, inspiration, sustainability, and hope for our future. May the year 2022 make all our dreams come true! Aho!


Happy NEW YEAR! 

Sacred Wood Familia!

Written by:

Kylie Ann Love

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